English Mignet plans for free

This is the legacy of the Mignet family. Treasure it.

I received in June 2016 permission by Paul Pontois to present the English translations of the most popular Mignet plans. The HM293 plans and the HM360/380 plans.

I consider this as a real honor. So ...respect the plans!!

If you download these plans, you are accepting the following rules:

Thanks to the generosity and kindness of Rodolphe Grunberg and Alain Mignet, The translation of these original French plans were offered for download free of charge through Pou-Renew newsletter for historical, educational and non commercial purposes.
Any construction made from them being under the sole responsibility of the builder.
The Pou-Renew co-editor and translator of the plans gives Nestofdragons an exceptional and non-transferable authorization to make these English plans downloadable through Nestofdragons website under the same conditions.
For any question, please contact the Pou-Renew co-editor:

If you find these English plans on any other site than nestofdragons.net, please inform Paul Pontois (see email address above) or Koen Van de Kerckhove (www.nestofdragons.net)

Plans of HM293

These are the English translation by Paul Pontois of the Rodolphe Grunberg plans of the HM293. The HM293 was inspired on the HM290 of Henri Mignet.

Click any of the pictures below to get the pdf-file. Remember to use them according to the rules mentioned in the pdf.

I got some help from Paul Pontois (a very known Flying Flea guy in Canada) and he gave me a lot of files which will also help the construction. Full size airfoils, files to laser-cut the metal parts (i would waterjet-cut them to prevent altering the metal strenght by heat), and a lot more. The lasercut files ware made by Dominique Mettlen. Click HERE for those files.

Fred Byron made also a set of plans of the HM293. He had added a few changes. So now you can decide which version you plan to make. Fred Byrons design is also a proven design. It is safe. To get the PDF, just click HERE. Most obvious change between these two set of plans are the spoilers. That way the Flying Flea became three-axis control. Those spoilers were only needed to land with cross wind. Cousandy-flaps which are easier to install could have done that too in the plans of Grunberg. To understand Cousandy flaps, go see the youtubes, lesson 8.

In the beginning of this video you see the spoilers Fred Byron installed to have roll-control. The video mentions it as a HM290, but it was the HM293FB as mentioned by Paul Pontois in the comments. 

These plans were in the 2000's translated by Paul Pontois with help from Pierre Mignet. All things that were hard to understand in the old plans were rephrased. In my point of view, these are the best plans to get of the Flying Flea.

Click any of the pictures below to get the pdf-file. Remember to use them according to the rules mentioned in the pdf.

By the way ...some of the pages in this book are a bit out of focus. Something went wrong with the scan that Charlie used while placing the English text of Paul Pontois. But you can see the original French plans to see all details. Those are in better quality. French HM360/380 plans.


Building Guide of HM14/360

REMEMBER... chord of wings of both airplanes are not the same and overlapping is TOTALLY wrong. So you need to slide the wings forwards and backwards to place them correctly on a HM14 fuselage. Make that CG of HM360 wing platform is on the same place as where it should be one the HM14.

This building log was made by Tony Harding. It has no plans, but ... if you have the plans of the HM14 and the plans of the HM360, you will have a good help viewing this log book. I still see the HM14/360 as the best choice if you like retro.

Just click one of the pictures below to get to the PDF.