There are other tandems, of course. Several are very close to the configuration of the designs of Henri Mignet. I just mention a few.

Like you can see, the Pou hasn't lost his followers. And you will be convinced that there will be a new revival of the Pou in the USA, when reading the stuff on the Facebook-group Flying Flea Builders & Flyers. In France, the revival began a lot earlier. But that will be not hard to understand when you see the several French designs you can find. We (Dutch spoken people in Belgium) have a saying "Geen sant in eigen land", which means "No saint in own country". I am sure that many designers or whatever have become victim of this saying. Mignet sure wasn't. The Mignet firm was very active in France.
There are several other designs with tandem configuration. I found a few in the ultralight aviation. One of them is the Sunny. It is a boxed wing tandem ultralight. Due to the fact it is a boxed wing it is a very rigid aircraft. Here you can see the prototype. Later it got a open fuselage. I got in contact with the designer of the Sunny, Dieter Schulz. You can read about this design at

I found this info on the net about this tandem. Source:
"The famous "Flying Flea" isn't the only successful light plane nowadays with tandem tendencies. M. Pierre Mauboussin has turned out a big-tailed job of more conventional design than the "Flea" which is attracting much favorable comment among French sporting pilots. The performance of this little ship is not to be sneezed at. Powered with a 40 hp. Train engine, the Mauboussin Hemiptere steps along at a top speed of 99.4 m.p.h., cruises at 84 m.p.h., and lands at the very low speed of 28 m.p.h. Cruising range is 335 miles, so that the owner of the "Hemiptere" can do a little more than puddle jump around airports. Service ceiling is 12,464 feet."

Another ultralight is the Gull. The only data I have personally on this one is a small, unclear picture and the fact that it was distributed by Eartstar Aircraft Inc. I read "Both the Ultra Gull Deluxe and the Laughing Gull come equipped with three-axis controls, main wheel brakes, double surfaced wings, shock-absorbing landing gear, 4130 Chromoly steel/enclosed fuselage and steerable nosewheel. Earthstar Aircraft Inc., Star Route Box 313, Santa Margarita, Calif. 93453 (805) 438-5235" (quote from "Homebuilt aircraft", febr. 1986). You can see that the wings have the same span (well, that is what I think to see on the picture). The connection between both wings should enhance the rigidity of the design. But I have no clue about its stability.
Can anybody tell me more about this one?
I got this info from Christophe Meunier:"Type : Earthstar UltraGull U1 Data Source : Jane's All the World Aircraft 1988-89 p568-569, 1986-87 p569, 1985-86 p685 (+ 1990-91 page not recorded). American aircraft, lightweight, that can be trailed behind a car without wing removal. Very small, due to high lift of the dual wing.Take off and landing in less than 40 meters (STOL). Version U1, and U1H with better performances (shorter span, bigger engine), for amateur construction. Version Deluxe with better engine covering and booms directed more below. Single seat. 1 engine of 30 to 60hp Span 7.3 to 6.1 meters Length 3.2 meters Weight 0.1 ton empty - 0.23t maximum Maximum speed 240km/h."

Recently I got permission from (Vintage Ultralight & Lightplane Association) to use two pictures I found of this project. The other pictures came from a visitor, sadly i forgot his name. Sorry :(