Continued story of the fuselage

Day 7

I had a few hours available. I first needed to finish the mock-up-parts which i recieved from Tim yesterday. They replace temporary the hardly needed parts so i can continue the build-up. Later i will replace these parts with the real parts.

I first started to assemble the parts needed to install the wheel axis. It still needs two reinforcement tubes to create triangles for strength, but ...with those U-shapes i can install the tubes that will support the bottom of the vertical tail.

After that i started with the vertical tail. Here i needed another part which i made as mock-up. It holds the tube that becomes the leading edge of the fixed vertical tail.




When installing this tube in the small U-shape i noticed that the nut needed to hold the U-shape becomes aobstruction to the tube inside the U-shape. I used a half-round file to remove the area in that tube that was the obstruction.

Here is the first time that you need rivets. But i am still trying to fit all parts together and need to check alignement, so i don't want to use a real rivet. Luckily ...i had klikko's. They are kind of temporary rivets.

I had a part which had not the large bend that should fit around the trailing edge, but it had smaller angles to adapt the plate to the thicker tube. I see now that those bends were not really needed.

You can easily press the plate against the tubes, drill one hole, install a klikko and use the clamp again to hold the plate as good as possible against the tubes.








I will not calculate the time i worked at the mock-up-parts. Today was just 1,5 hours real work on the glider.

Total hours of work of construction from day 1: 9,5 + 1,5 = 11 hours

In the evening i was able to do half a hour of work.

I wanted to install the tube that goes from the bottom of the vertical tail towards the upper tube, just behind the last vertical tube connection.

First i drilled one hole through (without dismounting the tube) the vertical tube of the vertical tail. Just placed a line at the right location, guess a bit (i used the tables edge as reference) and drill. The rest now i super easy. Just place the two plates with a bolt. Line the backside of those plates with the tube, clamp the plates to the tube, check again and ...drill the holes of the plates. Watch out! Do not drill through the tube. Use the plates to drill the hole at each side!

Now it is time to install that tube towards the bottom of the vertical tail. But before installing that tube you need to check the alignement. Is the rudder properly installed? Is that vertical tube really vertical? Easy tools give you the answer. But sure that you also check your table. If that one is not level, all the rest is not supposed to be level too.

Once you did that check, you simply slide the tube between the two plates. Line it up so the center line is at the location of the holes, clamp and drill. Again ...not through the tube! Use each plate as drilling template for each side.


Total hours of work of construction from day 1: 11 + 0,5 = 11,5 hours

Day 8

Two and a half hours. Of which i lost 3/4 hour to get some stuff inside a tube. Now i found the answer you don't have to have that delay.


Problem: try to line up four small tubes and a metal plate inside a tube and place two bolts.
Solution: superglue! 

 Getting really crowded. A manual is really needed to guide you to have all bolts be installed so they will not be a obstacle for the other bolts.




A trick to install small sleeves inside tube. Tip: don't use duct tape! Too strong!
















 Rivets installed




Yesterday evening i had 1/2 hour labor on the BirdGlider. I dismounted the pedal tube to use those U-shapes to install the reinforcements of the wheel axis. Just need to drill install one bolt today to finish this work. The axis still needs to be replaced by a tougher alu tube. I still need to order that one.
Those U-shapes, which we use a lot, are really super easy to install. 

Total hours of work of construction from day 1: 11,5 + 1,25 = 12,75 hours







Day 9

Februari 6, 2015: Today i installed most parts of the front skids. I still need to install the bend parts at the bottom, the horizontal connection between both skids and the horozontal connection between the skids and the second pair of vertical tubes.
Anyway ...i thought it was time to lift the BirdGlider from its table and take a few pictures in the garden.
Note: i held the structure too low when i was standing upright with it. The side tube should have been higher than my navel.

Total hours of work of construction from day 1: 12,75 + 1 = 13,75 hours


Continue on "Building (Part 3)