Phantom by Aeros

From Aeros website

Being a further development of its predecessor - the Stalker rigid wing glider, the Phantom has inherited the following features:

  • Superb flight performance
  • High comfort level while air towing, climbing in thermals and during high speed flight
  • Tremendous safety level

All of this became possible due to the increased rigidity of the wing as well as it’s aileron control system. Now we can positively state that at the cost of only a couple of additional kilograms of weight, the Phantom gives the pilot more confidence and makes the endeavor of rigid wing flight more safe as well.

  • Distinctive features of Phantom compared with Stalker:
  • Higher Aspect Ratio
  • More surface area of the ailerons and SPADDs
  • An advanced control system allows for decreased bar pressure at high speed

Now working the thermals becomes easier and even more intuitive, and at the final glide you will have absolutely no rivals!


  • Area, sqm 13,5
  • Wing span, m 13,2
  • Aspect ratio 12,9
  • Weight, kg 38
  • Load weight, kg 50-100
  • Breakdown length, m 5,7X0,5X0,2
  • Min sink ratio, m/s 0,65
  • Min airspeed, km/h 33-35
  • Max airspeed, km/h 110
  • Best glide ratio 19
